Welcome from the President
Greetings conference attendees! I’ve waited a long time to write these words, as the journey since my election in 2015 to the CBDNA presidential line has been long, eventful, challenging, and ultimately rewarding!
Many thanks are in order, first and foremost to our host, Nicholas Williams, who has jumped in with amazing leadership and organization skills to mobilize the team with the University of Georgia Bands…
Schedule of Events
Plan your conference by seeing which presentations and concerts interest you.
Performing Ensembles
We are happy to offer a Live Stream of all concerts on the Performers Page.
Presenters & Special Guests
Check out our lineup of incredible guest artists and presenters.
Thank You to Our Hosts
University of Georgia Bands
Nicholas Enrico Williams
Director of Bands
Jaclyn Hartenberger
Associate Director of Bands
Brett Bawcum
Associate Director of Bands
Director of Athletic Bands
Shiree X. Williams
Associate Director of Bands
Rob Akridge
Assistant Director of Athletic Bands
Mia Athanas
Assistant Director of Athletic Bands
Anthony Morris
SBP Intercollegiate Band Liaison
Jeremy Smith
Registration Manger
David J. Stanley
Logistics Coordinator
Rocky Raffle
Administrative Associate
National Conference
Dates: February 15-18, 2023
Host: University of Georgia
Location: Athens, GA
Online Registration Closed
On-site registration is at:
UGA Center - Hill Atrium
Plan your stay while in Athens.