Welcome from the President

Greetings conference attendees! I’ve waited a long time to write these words, as the journey since my election in 2015 to the CBDNA presidential line has been long, eventful, challenging, and ultimately rewarding! I am grateful to have been of service to the profession, and sincerely hope that by attending this conference you will have the opportunity to Reconnect, Reflect, and Renew! There are many delights over the next few days, to open our ears, our minds, and our hearts.

Many thanks are in order, first and foremost to our host, Nicholas Williams, who has jumped in with amazing leadership and organization skills to mobilize the team with the University of Georgia Bands. We owe Nicholas and everyone at UGA much gratitude. It is the professional home for all of us! Thank you to the TWO boards that have served with me, and to Tom Verrier and Doug Stotter for their dedication to CBDNA for almost two decades. The moments we shared on mettings (live and virtual) were inspiring. Thanks to all the presenters, conductors, and performers who will share their expertise and talents at the 2023 conference. Thanks to Robin Frey with Helms Briscoe, and invaluable resource in helping in a myriad of ways with hotels in Athens. And finally, thank all of YOU for supporting music and college bands through this most difficult of times. We have emerged from the darkness back into the light by working and learning together. Indeed it takes a village!

Aside from the Clemson Band program, CBDNA has been my biggest professional passion. I owe it more than I could ever return to it and know that the organization will continue to thrive long into the future – there is excellent leadership in Glen Adsit and Mike Votta ready to serve. And so, for the next few days, please enjoy and be inspired by what is about to unfold!

Mark Spede

President, CBDNA

Clemson University