The Wind Music of Blas Emilio Atehortúa with Special Emphasis on his Output for Full Band
Dr. Rubén Dario Gómez
Southern Illinois Univ. Edwardsville
Elm Fork I
Thursday, March 27th
9:30 am
Clinic Synopsis
Blas Emilio Atehortúa (1943-2020) is one of the most important academic composers from Colombia. His total output includes around 256 opuses. Most of his catalog consists of works for symphony orchestra, pieces for chamber ensembles, choral music (with and without orchestra), music for film and television, and songs. Atehortúa’s catalog for winds is also significant and consists of around 75 opuses, many of them commissioned by important institutions and conductors including The American Wind Symphony Orchestra, led by Robert Austin Boudreau. This catalog includes solo pieces, pieces for chamber ensembles, and pieces for symphonic band. Paradoxically, the quantity and quality of his works for winds contrast with the lack of attention they have received, at least in comparison with the rest of his works. Therefore, the most important goals of this presentation are: 1) to allow the audience to know Atehortúa’s catalog for winds, with special emphasis on his works for full band, 2) to show Atehortúa’s compositional voice as a contributive sound in the band world, especially as a Latin American representant, 3) to encourage editors and scholars to work toward preserving Atehortúa’s music for winds by making more editions of his pieces, as well as more research about them, and 4) to motivate players and conductors to program his music for winds more frequently.
Rubén Darío Gómez is the Director of Bands at Music at Southern Illinois University-Edwardsville where he teaches undergraduate and graduate courses in conducting and leads the SIUE Wind Symphony. He is also the coordinator of the SIUE Bi-State Honor Band Festival. He is also an active participant in the composition studio.
Originally from Colombia, Dr. Gómez earned his DMA degree in wind band conducting and secondary area in composition at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, as well as his Master of Music at Middle Tennessee State University, and his Bachelor of Music at Universidad Industrial de Santander (Colombia).
His pieces have been performed and published in Colombia, Europe and in the U.S. He has conducted bands and orchestras in Colombia, Brazil, Peru, and in the United States. Some important awards include: National Music Prize in Composition (Colombia 2012), National Scholarship for Colombians studying abroad (2016), and the American Student Composer Competition held by the Met Winds in Boston (2019). He is a recipient of the Hixon-Lied Fellowship and the F. Pace Woods Scholarship, offered by the Hixon-Lied College of Performing Arts at UNL. He is the current co-director of the Edwardsville Municipal Band and the Associate Director of the Saint Louis Wind Symphony.