Growing Grit: How Educators Can Develop Student Grit
Michelle Bell
University of Illinois
Conference K-L
Friday, February 17th
11:15 am
Clinic Synopsis
Preliminary surveys have determined that post-COVID, approximately one in three students experiences increased stress and anxiety and has difficulty persevering through difficult tasks. As music educators, our mission is to develop exemplary musicians, provide a space for all students to participate in music-making, and prepare students to be leaders in their chosen field. The cultivation of grit, described as the ability to persist in the face of obstacles, mitigates stress and anxiety and improves performance in the pursuit of goals. We can use the intentional development of grit to empower students in each facet of our music education mission.
Drawing inspiration from the presenter’s decade-long military career and recent deployment, and incorporating recommendations from the research of Angela Duckworth, Carol Dweck, and others, this presentation identifies the main characteristics of grit and presents actionable techniques for music educators to cultivate students’ grit for their and the program’s benefit.
Michelle Bell is a second year doctoral candidate in wind band conducting and serves as a graduate teaching assistant with the University of Illinois Bands. She earned her master of music in wind band conducting from the University of Minnesota in 2017. Following her time in Minnesota, she was appointed Visiting Assistant Professor of Music at Emory & Henry College in Emory, VA where she assisted with the concert and athletic bands and taught courses in theory, conducting, and music education.
Michelle earned her commission as a second lieutenant in the United States Army in 2011, and has since served in the Virginia, Pennsylvania, and Minnesota Army National Guards. Currently, she holds the rank of captain and recently returned from mobilization as a Company Commander in support of the Southwest Border Mission, where she led a company of over 100 Soldiers on a 13-month mission to support Customs and Border Protection.